Clifford Orwin - Compassion and the Softening of Mores
Clifford Orwin - Compassion and the Softening of Mores - Journal of Democracy 11:1:
"As men become equal, they become the same; the French word �gal conveys the sense of 'sameness' as well as 'equality.' These chapters thus invite us to consider, with the benefit of the hindsight denied Tocqueville, whether democracy is in fact a oneway street leading to increasingly universal sameness, and more generally, whether its effect on mores has been as Tocqueville predicted. "
"As men become equal, they become the same; the French word �gal conveys the sense of 'sameness' as well as 'equality.' These chapters thus invite us to consider, with the benefit of the hindsight denied Tocqueville, whether democracy is in fact a oneway street leading to increasingly universal sameness, and more generally, whether its effect on mores has been as Tocqueville predicted. "
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